Friday, January 2, 2015

Salam Jumaat


Sedikit perkongsian di petang jumaat.

When we call out to Allah swt, it's important to know that you have the role to play as well. What do you want? You want to get married. So you make the dua "Oh Allah, grant me a good spouse." 
But you have not bothered to look for anyone, you have not spoken to anyone, you have for example some of the sisters and some of their families believe, that a female needs to just sit back and wait for a proposal to come to her direction when no one knows you exist. 

So for us to just sit back and say, "You know what? Your prince is already predestined, he will look for you and come to you  by the will of Allah swt." 
You know what? it might have  been predestined that your prince will probably maybe only be in the akhirat. May Allah grant us the goodness in this dunya as well as in the akhirat. 

But if we are sitting here and we like a spouse here, do something about it. Say the name of Allah, seek the help of Allah, but actively search for a spouse for those under your guardianship. 

How can you continue to say make dua, and continue supplicating to Allah when the capacity has already been given to you by Allah. Allah has given you the capacity and you don't want to use it to try and achieve.

#Yang bulat tidak datang bergolek, yang pipih tidak datang melayang.
#Dimana ada kemahuan.di situ ada jalan.
#Usaha, Doa, Tawakal
#Peringatan buat diri sendiri jugak.



  1. Setuju :) Orang kata setakat doa je tapi kita usaha susah untuk kita dapat apa yg kita nak..mcm org slalu kata duit takkan jatuh dari langit kalau kita berusaha cari duit :)

    D - Doa
    U - Usaha
    I - Ikhtiar
    T - Tawakal


    1. kalau ada button like, dah lama like. ^_^
      tu la, nak sesuatu semua kena ada usaha. dok melangut tunggu ja, sampai bila pun takkan mai. *ayat sentap untuk diri sendiri. haha.

  2. Betul tu cik fafa..Kak wana setuju ^_^

  3. salam jumaat kak.. mendalam betul video ni.. siapa yg berusaha pasti berjaya.. kalau duduk je kat kerusi, tapi nak tu nak ni, tak boleh jugak kan.. nice sharing kak!! ^^

    1. tu la, talk beliau buat kak terfikir. semua bermula dari diri kita jugak. even nak makan pun kita yang kena suap sendiri. bukan makanan yang terus masuk mulut kita. ^_^

  4. Dah malam dh.. huhuh. perkongsian yg bagus..

  5. Baru follow blog cik fa rupenyer.. huhuh

  6. sis dah usaha , sekarang ni tawakal jer ... ermmm

  7. betol3. mana ade rezeki dtg bergolek kalo kita x usaha kan cik fafa.
    salam malidur rasul buat cik fafa. smoga sehat sntiasa :)

    err ana tag cik fafa :

    kalo cik fafa dah join, sory ek tag. hehe

  8. Ehem.. Mcm bagi hint ja Cik Fafa :p
    Btw, peringatan juga sebenarnya ni. No usaha mcm mana nk dapat kan ;)

  9. Bestnyaaaaa video tu kak faaaaa wiwiwiwi thank u so much btw hehehehehehe hmmmm suka ayat "You know what? Your prince is already predestined, he will look for you and come to you by the will of Allah swt."
    You know what? it might have been predestined that your prince will probably maybe only be in the akhirat. May Allah grant us the goodness in this dunya as well as in the akhirat.

    Heheeheheeheheheheh <3

  10. insyaALLAH. sbb tu kalau buat sesuatu sbenarnya Allah x tgk hasil. tp Allah tgk usaha kita. doa tu pun slh satu usaha. :) sama2 muhasabah diri. :)

  11. Sudah usaha..hihi.
    Nice sharing ^^

  12. salam jumaat cik fafa..
    usaha tawakal dan redha

  13. betoi jugak kan..huhu..trasa pulak..huhu..

  14. kena pula peribahasa yang bawah tu.. nice sharing Cik Fafa.. mari sama sama kita baiki diri menuju jannah-Nya

  15. ala, memang bukan datang bergolek. tapi saya malu orangnya. baru cakap dengan lelaki, dah lari... nak senyum lagi payah. macam manaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa T_____T
